Tuesday, December 1, 2009

As-Sunnah Foundation of America

Refutation of Umar Vadillo's The Esoteric Deviation in Islam - Dr. Gibril Haddad

Refutation of Shaykh Gemaldien of South Africa

Refutation of the Fatwa of Shaykh Abdul-Aziz bin Baaz of Saudi Arabia [Compiled by the Imam Ahmed Reza Academy in South Africa]

Wahabi Connections in America Unveiled

Dr. Gibril Haddad defending Scholars

The ongoing "debate" between ASFA and the "Salafis" of Sri Lanka...

Attack of a "scholar wanna be", and Response from our staff.

Prof. Abdul Hadi Palazzi Director, The Cultural Institute of the Italian Islamic Community declares us Kafir, but look what he writes !!!!

"Unveiling the Controversy"
The State Department Speech of Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

Defining Tasawwuf - Fatawa Dar Al-Ifta' al-Masriyya, Imam Abdul Halim Mahmoud

On Tasawwuf - Imam and Khateeb, Al-Aqsa Mosque, Al-Quds

Salafis Unveiled

The Other Side of Salafism

Accepting or not Accepting Sufism

Why you need a Madhhab

Answer to the Ahbash accusations
